Organic Seed Treatment | OMRI-Approved
Into organics? UAS offers a variety of OMRI-approved organic treatment options.
UAS Seed Treatment Options
UAS offers a wide variety of seed treatments—from our own N-Compass blends to Saltro, CruiserMaxx and other blends from other big-name brands. Whatever you need, we’ll hook you up—with discounts, locked-in pricing and other financial perks.
Turning Customer Suggestions Into Solutions
At the end of last season, we asked customers what UAS could do next year to improve our services even more. While we couldn’t satisfy all your requests, we did address a few.
Meet the UAS Family: Paul Handsaker
Meet Paul Handsaker, seed treatment specialist for Unified Ag Solutions.
Meet the UAS Family: Dave Welsh
Meet Dave Welsh, seed treatment specialist for Unified Ag Solutions.
Seed Treater Metering Options
No matter which treater you go with, there are several ways to meter seed. Learn which is most accurate and which is best for different-sized operations.
5 More FAQs on Buying a Seed Treater
We recently published a post about 5 common FAQs on buying a seed treater. (Read it here.) It covers some pretty solid, relevant questions folks often have. But we’d like to address a few more FAQs on top of those 5.
5 Common FAQs on Buying a Seed Treater
Take a look at 5 frequently asked questions UAS gets from customers in the market for a seed treater.
5 Ways UAS Seed Treatment Trumps Competitors
Through a variety of independent and university trials, UAS N-Compass seed treatment has proven to match or exceed effectiveness of comparable treatments from other big-name brands. So, what makes it so unique?
5 Advantages of Buying a Treater from UAS
Why work with UAS? There are plenty of reasons. Above all, our customer service is unmatched. But it’s worth checking out some other advantages we bring to the table too…
Is a Seed Treater Worth the Investment?
If you’re a seed dealer, seed company or grower with 1000+ acres, it doesn’t cost to get a seed treater. It pays.
Meet the UAS Family: Brad Frost
Meet Brad Frost, seed treatment specialist for Unified Ag Solutions.
Bulk Seed Systems: Batch vs. Continuous Flow
If you’re considering a bulk seed site, you’ll have to determine what kind of system is best for your situation: batch or continuous flow?
To make that decision, it helps to answer the question…
Understanding Seed Treatment: Fungicides & Insecticides
Seed treatment has many benefits. But what’s in it? And how exactly does it work? At UAS, our seed treatments are fully customizable with an array of fungicides, insecticides, polymers, colorant and other enhancements. Learn a little about what fungicides and insecticides are and how they work below.
5 Ways Atomizers Trump Spray Nozzles
In the market for a seed treater? No matter which treater you choose, one thing is for sure: be sure your treater utilizes an atomizer to apply chemistry. Learn why.
Legend™ 5L ST Insecticide
Legend™ is a broad-spectrum insecticide developed specifically to deliver enhanced handling, stability, performance and value when used in custom seed treatment blends.
Meet the UAS Family: Brent Nesbitt
Meet Brent Nesbitt, seed treatment specialist for Unified Ag Solutions.
Fungicide Comparison: Anchor™ vs Metalaxyl
What’s the difference between the two fungicide formulations, and which one is more effective?
How a Box-to-Box Seed Treater Works
This article will provide a thorough look at the parts of a box-to-box treater and how they operate—and how Unified Ag Solutions can help you along the way.
5 Reasons to Buy Seed Treatment from UAS
Why work with UAS for your seed treatment needs? Well, we’re family-owned, so you’ll get honest, straight-forward communication. We’re an American company, and all of our employees call the heartland home. And we offer lots of other benefits…