5 Common FAQs on Buying a Seed Treater

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To buy a seed treater or not to buy a seed treater? That is the question on many seed dealers’, seed companies’ and growers’ minds before next planting season.

Before you can answer that question, you’ll likely ask a few more to determine if a seed treater makes sense for your operation. Take a look at 5 frequently asked questions UAS gets from customers in the market for a seed treater.

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Is a seed treater worth the investment?

It depends who you are. While seed treating isn’t for everyone, it is highly beneficial for several categories of individuals and businesses, including seed dealers, seed companies and growers with 1000+ acres. (Read more on these groups here.)

If you fall into one of these categories, owning your own seed treater is highly beneficial. First off, you’ll gain ultimate control of your planting process. You can treat seed on your own time, right when you need it. And you’ll avoid any risks associated with buying pre-treated seed. Plus, by treating yourself, you’ll reap all the profits—you’re cutting out the middleman and all the costs that go with him.

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How soon can I pay off a treater?

Again, it depends—on which treater you buy, and on how many units you treat. If you’re a smaller operation, a box-to-box treater may be the most economical and practical choice. (Read more on that here.) Using a box-to-box treater like the AT500H, if you treat a total of 3,000 units of beans, you’ll likely save/make enough to pay off the treater that very same year.

On larger treater units, like the LPV drum treater, it could take up to 5,000 units until you start seeing a positive return on investment. And once your treater is paid off, you’ll treat yourself to all the profits each year thereafter.

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Is it difficult to operate?

Nope. Simple controls make operating our treaters easier than pie. On the AT500H, once your treater is set up and your chemical rates are calibrated, simply load a ProBox of untreated seed onto the treater with your forklift. (Make sure you’ve got an empty ProBox on the ground ready to collect the seed too.) Turn on your auger and atomizer… open the box’s slide gate… open the atomizer chamber… and watch the seed flow up and out the poly-cupped auger. It’s mesmerizing, really.

If you’ve got a bulk site, our drum treaters are equally as user-friendly—with simple controls and full automation. Plus, UAS will help you set up your operation and provide on-site training. We’ve even made a few tutorial videos to help you out too. Our phones are always on too, so you’ll have constant support should any questions arise.

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Is treating seed time-consuming?

With the AT500H box-to-box treater, or any drum treater, you can treat a Pro box in as little time as 3 minutes. Each run will vary depending on seed size and net weight, but 3-5 minutes is all it takes to treat a box. Most UAS customers who own a treater typically get all their treating done in just a few days.

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How is the quality of coverage?

In a word: phenomenal. Whether you go with a box-to-box or drum treater, both are chockfull of innovative features that boost accuracy and efficacy. State-of-the-art atomizer technology helps maximize accuracy, control and efficiency (read all about that here). In regards to coverage, you’ll see a similar quality as seed treated commercially in a seed plant.

This is especially true if you select the appropriate seed treatment. At UAS, we offer a variety of seed treatment blends—all of which are equally as effective as large, name-brands ones… at a fraction of the cost. Learn more below.

Have more questions? Give us a shout. We have countless years of experience in the seed industry, so whatever your questions, we’ve got the answers. Call 888-402-4787 or click the button below.