5 Ways BioST Nematicide Beats Competitors

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Let’s talk about nematodes—and how utterly annoying they are. They’re invisible, so it’s difficult to realize just how invasive they are. They’re impervious, so standard fungicides and insecticides struggle to control them. And they’re everywhere. According to a 2016 study, 80% of corn acres sampled in the U.S. had nematode pressure. They run rampant in soybean and cotton fields too.

Nematodes damage and destroy plants in several ways.

Some pierce plant roots and feed on the water and nutrients inside, depleting the plant of much-needed sustenance. Others move throughout the root systems, feeding and feeding and feeding… and swelling and swelling and swelling. Eventually, they’ll burst through the root tissues and lay more eggs—which re-infects the root system and leaves an open wound in the plant roots. That increases the susceptibility to more soil-borne fungal infections, like Rhizoctonia.

How do you stop nematodes? Nematicide… well, the right nematicide.

While all nematicides are intended to root out nematodes, some nematicides are more effective than others… like BioST Nematicide 100. Here are 5 ways BioST Nematicide outperforms others nematicides.

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Some nematicides only target specific nematodes. BioST Nematicide targets all of them. As an innovative, broad-spectrum nematicide, BioST effectively works on a variety of nematode species in soybeans, corn, cotton, and more. Soybean cyst. Root-knot. Reniform. Lesion. Stubby root. Needle. Dagger. Columbia lance. Sting… the list goes on. No matter the nematode, BioST Nematicide delivers.

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Some nematicides merely repel nematodes. They mask the taste of the plant roots into something less desirable, which turns nematodes away—similar to how a mosquito reacts to bug spray. BioST Nematicide works differently. Instead of deterring nematodes, it absolutely destroys them… and fast. BioST Nematicide kills nematodes—eggs, juveniles, and all—within 24 to 48 hours. A distinct combination of enzymes and toxins defend seeds from the start—and stay in the root zone as the seeds grow for up to 75 days. BioST Nematicide also targets other soil-dwelling insect pests like wireworms, seed corn maggot, and corn rootworm, providing yet another layer of protection.

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Some nematicides require closed systems for handling. (Some nematicides also irritate your skin and make you break out in rashes.) BioST Nematicide is a different story. As a biological-based nematicide, it’s safe for both the applicator and the environment—no closed systems or hazmat suits required. Plus, its OMRI-listed, so you’ll gain a sustainable approach to enhancing plant health… and some major brownie points from Mother Nature.

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Some nematicides are performance-tested via closed-off, controlled trials operated by the same company who produces the nematicide. BioST Nematicide’s testing is more transparent and impartial. Through a variety of university research trials, IPSA research trials, and contract research trials, BioST Nematicide has been proven time and time again as the superior nematicide.

Scroll through the charts below to see for yourself.


Find even more soybean data here.


Find even more corn data here.


For cotton data, click here.

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Another great thing about BioST Nematicide? You can get it standalone, or blend it with seed treatment formulations. When used in combination with seed treatment, BioST provides a dual mode of action on yield-robbing pests, further protecting your crops during their most vulnerable stage. UAS offers our own customizable, power-packed seed treatment—with blends for corn, soybeans, cotton, and more. With the nematicide and seed treatment working together, you’ll gain ultimate control… and a significant return on investment.

It’s broad-spectrum. It’s safe. It’s versatile and effective—with proof to back it up. Simply put, BioST Nematicide is the cream of the crop.

If you’re ready to root out nematodes the right way, give us a call at 888-402-4787. And for more helpful tips and advice, be on the lookout for the UAS Uni-5 list next month. Or click here to explore more.