Replant Coverage and USDA RMA Planting Dates

The warm weather might be tempting, but here in the Midwest, we all know winter can make a surprise return. Before you rush into planting season, remember:

UAS replant coverage is only available for crops planted on or after the earliest plant date established by the USDA Risk Management Agency (RMA).

For reference, as of today, some Nebraska counties have the following earliest planting dates:

  • Corn: April 10th

  • Soybeans: April 25th

Here's a FEW reminderS:

  • Replant coverage only applies to crops planted on or after the USDA RMA's earliest plant date. Planting earlier than this date voids replant eligibility.

  • This applies specifically to acreage treated with qualifying N-Compass Seed Treatment blends and qualifying inoculants purchased from Unified Ag Solutions.

  • Find the earliest plant date for your specific area using the USDA RMA Actuarial Information Browser:

For our full replant policy and further information click below.

Remember, patience is key. By waiting until the official planting window opens, you can ensure your crops have the best chance of thriving and avoid jeopardizing your replant coverage.

Bob Laustenreplant