Your One-Stop Shop for Your Bulk Seed Site

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At UAS, we offer a comprehensive bank of equipment for any and every bulk seed site. Take a glance at a few of our most popular products below. And learn more about the benefits UAS brings to your bulk site here.

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Most bulk sites utilize a drum treater to treat large quantities of seed. UAS offers USC drum treaters with comprehensive systems and simple controls, complete with high-end automation and unmatched power. Each includes accurate flowmeters to regulate the flow of chemical, as well as and atomizer technology to ensure precise application rates.

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We’ve partnered with the best bin manufacturers in the industry to provide seed storage bins for safe handling of your treated seed. The bins feature smooth walls with internal seed ladders, plus aeration. Whether you need a single bin or a whole row of them, we’ll hook you up.

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Every bulk site is erected differently, so we offer a wide variety of conveyors to fit any operation’s size and setup. Choose from underbin conveyors, bin fill conveyors, walking leg conveyors, and more from the following brands.

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Need a hopper? We’ll hop to it. We offer several hoppers designed to hold seed and feed conveyors in both box-to-box and bulk setups. Hoppers come in a variety of sizes, configurable from 80 up to 300 units. Features include air gates and scales, and hoppers can be either floor-mounted or mounted directly above your treater.

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When it comes to chemical delivery, UAS brings to the table a variety of pump stands and mix tanks. We offer numerous USC pump stands, with both automatic and manual calibration, as well as USC’s comprehensive direct-inject system. We also sell our own UAS pump stands with both diaphragm and peristaltic pump setups.

Most pump stands include as volumetric or mass flowmeter to regulate chemical flow—ensuring maximum efficiency and use of seed treatment. Plus, easy-to-operate display screens allow you to program multiple treatment recipes, and make calibration simple.

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Round out your operation with these equipment add-ons.

Any questions? Give us a call.
